Venturing Beyond the Comfort Zone: Exploring Unconventional Passions and Blogging Adventures

Venturing Beyond the Comfort Zone: Exploring Unconventional Passions and Blogging Adventures
Venturing Beyond the Comfort Zone: Exploring Unconventional Passions and Blogging Adventures

It's no secret that my interests have always leaned towards the unconventional. For instance, while many gamers rave about titles like "The Show," my heart belongs to a niche baseball video game called "Out Of The Park." But here's the twist: I don't play as the player; instead, I immerse myself in the role of a GM or manager, meticulously simulating historic baseball teams. I often find myself replaying expansion drafts from the '90s, striving to outdo the Marlins or Diamondbacks. It might seem peculiar, but it's my kind of fun. And believe it or not, back in junior high, I didn't dream of being the Mets' starting shortstop; I aspired to be the manager.

One of the perks of writing blogs at Barstool is the immense creative freedom. Yet, this freedom can sometimes be a double-edged sword because when every topic is available to you, it's akin to being on Netflix and struggling to pick a movie from a vast selection. Life seemed simpler when you browsed the neighborhood video rental store with only 90 movies to choose from, and you'd already seen 60 of them.

Last night, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and craft a blog on a non-sports or movie topic that struck me as somewhat bizarre.

I was delighted to incorporate the Stand By Me clip and share my own memorable but admittedly terrible birthday party experiences, which added a personal touch. It might not win a Pulitzer, but it was a challenge for me since it veered from my usual wheelhouse. Judging by the initial response, it seemed to resonate well with the audience. Was it a blockbuster blog? Not by a long shot, but I've written pieces that far fewer people have laid eyes on.

The coveted Top 20 blog list comes out every Tuesday, and I must admit, I was disappointed not to find my name on it this week. I know Dave keeps an eye on that list, and I had hoped to see my name among the featured bloggers. To make it onto the list, I just need to keep writing and push myself more. It's fair to say that not writing a blog on Labor Day probably cost me a spot. In hindsight, penning a piece last Monday would have made my life much simpler.

Regarding being on Dave's radar, I'd much prefer to be there than not. Being ignored would be the worst scenario. While it would be great if Dave and I shared common interests and he greeted me with enthusiasm, we can't control how others perceive us. He's the owner of the business I've chosen to work for, and if he believes I can do more, it's my responsibility to improve.

It's not just a Dave thing; when you put effort into a blog, you want people to read it. Dave mentioned that I'm not quite a "Klemmer Guy." How you interpret a tweet like that depends on your perspective. I view it as a valuable opportunity to learn about content creation from Dave Portnoy. There are far worse ways to spend a day at work.

Here's to hoping that people take the time to read this blog. If I don't make it to the Top 20 next week, I might have to enlist Gia and Keegs for a crash course on Taylor Swift's love life.


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